Sunday, May 4, 2014

War Expo

There are trade shows around the world for many things, cars, computers, video games, home appliances, you name it there is a trade show for it, even one of the most deadly things mean has created, war.

The Special Operations Forces Exhibition or SOFEX is held every two years in Jordan, hosted by the king. The most recent one in 2012 had 349 different companies, 300 delegates from 85 countries attended. The expo has high ranking military officers, like generals, form around the world attend, all seeking to look at the newest and greatest weapons and systems the world has to offer.

The expo allows these generals to look, buy and in some cases test out the new toy they have purchased. The expo has a built a training complex for any special forces to use train. They even use the training ground to hold a competition among the special forces of the world to see which one is best one of them all. To no surprise the United States has the most exhibitors present at the expo, beside the Jordan.

The companies that come to SOFEX are weapon manufactures from around the world. In the Vice documentary "The Business of War" they talk to many attenders and exhibitors at the expo. One man they talk to says that they sell not just weapons, but also kits. These kits can help mount weapons on to helicopters or planes. For example North Korea is not allowed to buy weapons because of sanctions, so instead they buy a commercial helicopter and buy a kit later to attach the weapons on.

It is very odd seeing all the worlds top generals walking around looking for new weapons to buy, while cit catting with other generals from other nations. As stated by one of the US marines attending the expo in 2012, he said that they are all their buy weapons to kill each other.

Near the end of the documentary an interesting point is brought up. Most the generals that attend are looking for homeland and border security defenses. Most of the weapons being bought are to fight a foreign power, but are to fight ones at home, like drugs gangs, terrorists, rebels, insurgents, you name it.

The next SOFEX is will be held in Jordan from May 6 - May 8 2014.

Vice Documentary-
SOFEX website -

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