Sunday, May 4, 2014

First Case of MERS in the US

A man entered an Indiana hospital on April 28th, after experiencing fever, cough and shortness of breath, the previous day, which are all symptoms of Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) . The man had came back from Saudi Arabia on April 24th. Because of his trip to Saudi Arabia, the health officials in Indiana tested him for MERS and sent the sample to the Center of Disease Control (CDC). The CDC tested the sample and confirmed that the patent has the virus.

Thermal senors that used in China and other countries to prevent ill travelers from entering the country are said not to be helpful. because of the virus' 14 day incubation period, so travelers will not be quarantined and stopped in time.

This has been the first case of MERS showing up in the United States, and it not be the last. The virus has a 14 day incubation period, so many will not know they have it until then and when the symptoms begin to show. The CDC doesn't know much about he virus, because the lack of cooperation with countries in the Middle East, where the virus is most prominent will not share their samples. The illness is said to come from bats and camels and passed on to humans.

Egypt also had their first case of MERS reported on April 26th, and so far since 2012 262 cases have been reported. So far researches do not know how the virus is spread, but as stated before believe there is a link between camel and human interaction. There is also no vaccine as of right now and the only way MERS can be treated is like a fever.

So stay well and wash your hands often.


War Expo

There are trade shows around the world for many things, cars, computers, video games, home appliances, you name it there is a trade show for it, even one of the most deadly things mean has created, war.

The Special Operations Forces Exhibition or SOFEX is held every two years in Jordan, hosted by the king. The most recent one in 2012 had 349 different companies, 300 delegates from 85 countries attended. The expo has high ranking military officers, like generals, form around the world attend, all seeking to look at the newest and greatest weapons and systems the world has to offer.

The expo allows these generals to look, buy and in some cases test out the new toy they have purchased. The expo has a built a training complex for any special forces to use train. They even use the training ground to hold a competition among the special forces of the world to see which one is best one of them all. To no surprise the United States has the most exhibitors present at the expo, beside the Jordan.

The companies that come to SOFEX are weapon manufactures from around the world. In the Vice documentary "The Business of War" they talk to many attenders and exhibitors at the expo. One man they talk to says that they sell not just weapons, but also kits. These kits can help mount weapons on to helicopters or planes. For example North Korea is not allowed to buy weapons because of sanctions, so instead they buy a commercial helicopter and buy a kit later to attach the weapons on.

It is very odd seeing all the worlds top generals walking around looking for new weapons to buy, while cit catting with other generals from other nations. As stated by one of the US marines attending the expo in 2012, he said that they are all their buy weapons to kill each other.

Near the end of the documentary an interesting point is brought up. Most the generals that attend are looking for homeland and border security defenses. Most of the weapons being bought are to fight a foreign power, but are to fight ones at home, like drugs gangs, terrorists, rebels, insurgents, you name it.

The next SOFEX is will be held in Jordan from May 6 - May 8 2014.

Vice Documentary-
SOFEX website -

Will the Future Understand the Past

Scientist may have found out how the ancient Egyptians moved large stones across the dessert. They theorize that the ancient Egyptians put the stones on a sled and dragged across the sand and had one man in front of the sled pours water in front of it so that the sled can glide across. Scientist have tested this on small scale and it works well, but there is another thing that helps prove their theory true. There is a hieroglyph made by the ancient Egyptians that depicts this process, and not until now do we think we know what it means. The hieroglyph shows a statue on a sled begin pulled, with a man in front of it pouring water out of a jug.

The ancient Egyptians left all types of messages and for the hope that the future could understand them, but as seen in the recent discovery it is hard to interpret the messages of the past. All ancient civilizations have left messages, and we today struggle to interpret what they mean. So could this happen to our current modern civilization, could our messages today become hard for the future to understand.

Scientists have found a problem when it comes to our nuclear waste storage and its not how we store, but how we label it. How do we label it to make sure that future generations understand it is dangerous. In 1991 Sandia National Laboratories hired 13 linguists, scientists, and anthropologists to create a system of makers that would last 10,000 years. One of the first things they ruled out was the use of a "keep out Sign, or any sign that used written language, because even if English survives 10,000 years into the future, there is no way it will be spoken the same then as it is now. We today know what the radiation symbol means, but in the future will it still have the same meaning and be understood. Even using the skull and crossbones could be troublesome. Most people would agree that the skull and crossbones would be the universal symbol of death, but it can still be misunderstood today. In Latin America the symbol is used to celebrate the day of the dead. The symbol is also used to repentant the stereotypical pirates to many small children today, and many would associate the symbol with treasure.

But whatever symbol or writing is used to communicate to the trespassers to keep out, and they understand the message, they probably will not follow the directions. Many ancient Egyptian tombs had an equivalent to keep out signs, some describing the horrible actions the gods would inflict on the trespasser if they were to continue on. But the archaeologist that found this tombs did not have the same faith as the ancient Egyptians and so they did not believe the warning, took it as superstition and carried on with their venture. So if in 10,000 years from, who knows what the future generations will know, will they believe the warnings of the past, or just shrug it off and continue their exploration of possibly dangerous sites.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

US back in the Philippines

The United States and the Philippines have been intertwined since before the turn of the 19th century and have a colorful history. From the Philippines being a colony of Spain, to a colony of the United States, to now a independent nation and close ally of the United States. Now the Philippines and the United States singed a 10 year agreement to have United States military bases back in the Philippines.

The United States had bases in the Philippines up to 1991, when the Philippine government voted to have the bases removed. But now tensions are heating up in the South Pacific. Over the past couple years the China and Philippines have had increased tensions between each other over the territorial sea dispute, with islands that may be oil and gas rich. The two have had small skirmish, and tension is high. Any body could tell you if the war to actually break out over the islands that China would annihilate any Philippine military resistance. Because of the recent build up of tension, the Philippines is letting the United States Military bases to come back for 10 years. This is being done to deter China from the Philippines, because the last thing China would want is a war with the United States.

China of course is in opposition to this and has the told the United States to stay out of Asian affairs. But American military forces haven't been gone completely after 1991. Hundreds of American troops have been stationed in the Philippines since 2002, to fight Al-Qaeda sponsored groups in the south Philippines.

American troops in the Philippines has been a sensitive issue, because of the history of Philippines being an American colony, especially with the horrible events that took place during the Philippine–American War. After that war the country became a colony of the United States.

Many Americans would argue why should we send troops to the Philippines and possible get involved in something that does not concern us. This feeling has definitely increased after the United States' involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I feel that is a different case.

Even though for many years the United States occupied the Philippines, today most Filipinos see the United States as close allies and liberators after the United States ended Japanese occupation in World War II. Also there is the colony factor. American troops did terrible things during the Philippine-American War, and had occupied the country till 1935, and it is only the right thing to do is to help defend the former colony they ask for help. The United Kingdom would most likely step in help India or South Africa, if they asked for it, and why shouldn't the United States do the same. Granted I probably have a biased view, as my mom is from the Philippines.

If all things go well nothing of significance will happen during these next 10 years between the Philippines and China, and the the United States will not have to get involved further than what it is now.

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Unitary vs Federal

Through the many nations that inhabit earth, there are two types of government structures that have become dominate in the world. A nation today will either be structured as a unitary state or a federation. The two have different ways on how the power of the government is structured. 

Unitary states have most of the power of the in one central government, while smaller administrative regions will rule according to what the central government. Most nations of the world today are structured in as a unitary state. Most of Africa, Asia, Europe are structured this way, same with most countries in Latin America. Not all unitary states require their regions to be completely submissive. Most unitary states tend to have a similar ethnicity among the people, like Japan. For example before Crimea was annexed by Russia, it was an autonomous government that was part of Ukraine, which is a unitary state. Another example is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is composed of 4 different regions, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland and each region has some degree of autonomy, but over all have to follow what the central government passes. 

The other type of government structure is a federation, which here in the US we should be familiar with. These include countries like the United States, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Russia, Ethiopia, Somalia, India, Malaysia, and much more. This type of government structure have the power split between local governments and the central government or the Federal government. The two governments have to balance each other. Most federations tend to have a wide range of ethnicity within them like India, and the US.

As time continues it can be easy to say that more and more nations might be moving to federations to run for their government structure. This is because people in certain regions that feel like they do not fit with the rest of the nation and want more autonomy and to make their own decisions. But the degree on how much power local governments have in a federation can be debated. For example looking at United States history, it can be seen that over time the federal government received more power. 

More Info

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

On 12 June the World Cup will kick off in Brazil and the all of the world will watch their teams compete to win it all, but before that can happen the Brazilian government has problem to tackle so that the players and fans can enjoy the beautiful country that is Brazil. The host country has been facing an increasing outbreak of Dengue fever.

Dengue fever is a very dangerous illness that is transported by mosquitoes to humans and is very common in tropical countries like Brazil. Dengue is spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The mosquito has become resistant to insecticides, lives in homes and is most active during the day, which will makes bed nets useless.

To fight these bugs the Brazilian government has decided to use the mosquito against itself, by starting a two year trail of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild population. These genetically modified mosquitoes have gene that causes them to die young. The government sends pick trucks full of the short lived male mosquitoes with the hopes that they will mate with the female mosquito, which is the one that bites and transfers Dengue fever, and after they mate their offspring will have a short live and help control the spread of the disease.

The Florida Keys is also conducting a similar trail to get rid of Dengue fever and control the mosquito population by using a similar method, but with some slight differences. The Florida Keys is using the The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which can be best described as birth control for insects. These Genetically modified mosquitoes are born infertile. They release the infertile male mosquitoes into the wild and the males will compete with the wild males to mate. The hope is that the infertile male mosquitoes will kill the wild male mosquitoes and mate with the female mosquitoes and they won't be able to reproduce.

However many ecologist agree that if we were to kill of the mosquito, that it would not be missed. Many have looked at the environmental impact of killing of the mosquito, because as many might think, killing off entire species could cause some significant damage to the environment. But the mosquito has been shown to only have little impact if it were to disappear. Bird and bats hardly rely on the mosquito as prey, as shown that only 2% of  a bat's diet consist of mosquito. And the pollination that many insects contribute in, if the mosquito were to disappear, then something else will step up to the task.

Who knows if getting rid of the mosquito will not be damaging, but controlling it won't be.

Sources and More info

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Down with the Ship

The ship's hull breached. Water pouring in and the crew struggles to keep the water out. Passengers are taking life rafts, life savers, and any thing that can help them keep afloat in the ocean. And the captain stays at the helm trying to keep the ship stable and make sure every one gets out alive, and no matter what happens to him or the ship, he goes down with the ship. Well, that's how it should be. 

On April 16th, a South Korean ferry sank and has left at least 29 dead and hundreds of others missing. The captain however left the ship on a rescue boat, while hundreds of other passengers on board were still left. The captain left a junior officer in charge who had one year of expedience to take control of the wheel. Since the accident of the 475 on board only 179 have been rescued, many of the passengers were high school students. And the former captain has been arrested for his actions by the police. The captain will have a hard time wining the respect of his peers. There are codes that should be never be broken and the captain going down with the ship is one of them.

After seeing the story that happened in South Korea, I remembered the cruise ship that sank off the coast of Italy, back in January 13th of 2012. And a similar thing happened, the captain of the ship abandoned it while it went down. The captain was arrested and put on trial for 32 charges of manslaughter, for leaving his sinking vessel while others were on board. 

But what has happened to the captain going down with the ship. Captain Edward Smith, the captain of the most famous ship disaster in history, over 100 years ago, went down with the RMS Titanic. And because of his honor and loyalty to the ship, he has gone down into history, and even has his own statue made in his honor because of his actions. 

I just find it weird that the most recent ship disasters, that the captain has broke his code to look out for himself.