Sunday, October 20, 2013

City States

City States are cities and sometimes surrounding areas that are either completely independent or are autonomous and are not administrated by the local government, but just do it themselves. In history the most popular are the city state Rome or the cities of Greece, like Athens and Sparta. City States are still around today. There are two main types of city states, sovereign ones and non-sovereign ones.

Sovereign city states are recognized, treated, and operate like any other nation in the world. Today there are only three sovereign city states. Singapore, Monaco and Vatican City are city states that have full membership in the UN, expect Vatican City only being a observer. Each one make their own laws and rule how they please in their territory. Vatican City is located within Rome, Italy and has the smallest populations out of the three with about 840 people and is famous for home of the Pope of the Catholic Church. Monaco's land border is completely shared with France and has population of about 30,000 people. Monaco has been a member of the UN since 1993. Even though Monaco is its own nation it relies on France for military aid. The largest city state is the city of Singapore. Singapore has a population above 5,000,000 people and rules over islands on the tip of Penang, Malaysia. Singapore is not only a city, unlike Monaco or Vatican City but also has rural areas that surround it. Out of the three city states, Singapore is the only one with its only military.

The other types of city states are non-sovereign city states. These city states either have restricted autonomy or are administrated by a federal government. Hong Kong was handed over to China from the United Kingdom in 1997. Since then Hong Kong has been under the One China Two Systems policy. The policy allows Hong Kong to keep its economic systems and political systems while being part of the country of China. Hong Kong gets to make their own laws all while being part of China. Federal administrated cities are cities that are in federations that are ran by the federal government. Countries like the United States and Russia are countries that are federations. The two countries capitals, Washington D.C in the US and Moscow in Russia are both governed by their federal government. In the case of D.C, the city is not part of any US state but under administration of the US government.

More on City States,_two_systems

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