Sunday, April 6, 2014

Maintenance to Live

Living in 21st century United States of America costs a lot of money to maintain an decent life. Most people would agree to live comfortably you need food, water, shelter, clothes and some other basic hygiene products, but now to live to most peoples standard of being comfortable you will need much more. Getting running water is essential to most Americans, but since the 20th century electricity has also entered the mix. Most of us would not be able to live with out electricity in our homes and has become another thing we must pay for in order live well.

Most American houses will have 2 big ticket items that are considered essential. First is the home, this is undisputed, and any one is okay with paying monthly rent or payment till it is payed off in order to have shelter. The second is the car. Most American homes will at least have one car, that they use to get work, school, or just to go out. We pay for our cars monthly too, but on top of that we have gas to worry about.

Products and goods have also entered in our sphere of items we need in order to live comfortably. Many Americas own a TV to watch shows and the news and many would consider it an essential item in the home. You could just keep the basic 2,7,9 channels but that is not the way to live. You need more channels, the sport channels, the dramas, the reality TV, and now this adds up to what we need to live our definition of well. Computers have also entered the scene, as most Americans need them to work, for school or to entertain themselves. Having no internet or TV means being disconnected to what is going on in the news and what is popular, so we are willing to pay for these monthly in order live well.

We pay for many physical things in order live comfortable, but there is also the things we pay for monthly for things that are not right in front of us. We pay for insurance on many things. We insure our homes and cars, just in case something bad were to happen to them, even though we don't if any thing were to happen to them, but we still protect them. We have to pay for life insurance, to help our families if we die.

As time as gone on, we need to spend more money in order to live what is considered well and comfortable in America. And who knows what other things we will pay for in the future in order to live well, that will add to our maintenance to live.

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